Friday, November 5, 2010


Julian Assange
What is Wikileaks?
Is a page that ensure the legally and technically protected retrieval of information from anonymous sources and to make available this information for the general public." It provides a secure online submission system for whistleblowers to upload documents, which WikiLeaks then makes available globally over the Web. 
Do you think this page is reliable?
Yes, bacause all that the publc is confidencial, that means that are trueh documents, from the governamentDo you think this page can make a difference in our world?
I think so, cause if the people knows what is the soldiers, governament, doing, the will stoped and maybe we can stop all this infair things.Do you think than make more harm than good?
It depends of what kind of information are we talking about,  but I think that is good if we all know the truth.

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