Friday, June 10, 2011

New York Prezi

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dan showed us one prezzi about his travels,how he decdes to go somewhere, how he looked at the prices, where did he went, and explain us diferent ways of traveling.
I personally like to travel a lot,and when I grow up,I want to travel around all the world, and learn different things of each contry.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Google Sketchup



Thursday, February 10, 2011


Person-to-person lending (also known as peer-to-peer lending, peer-to-peer investing, and social lending; abbreviated frequently as P2P lending) is a certain breed of financial transaction (primarily lending and borrowing, though other more complicated transactions can be facilitated) which occurs directly between individuals or "peers" without the intermediation of a traditional financial institution. Person-to-person lending is for the most part a for-profit activity, this distinguishes it from person-to-person charities, person-to-person philanthropy and crowdfunding which also create connections between donors and recipients of donations but are nonprofit movements


Today, some of our classmates have told us some interesting things about Apple.
They have told us all about their products, their software, their headquarters...
The PRO's of Apple are the low possibilities to get a virus and its incredible design.
The CONT's are that their products are very expensive, you have to pay for all the applications that Apple offers and the incompatibility of Apple programs with normal PC's.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Anti-Virus Vs Firewall

The difference between this programes are that:

The Anti-Viruses have the funcion of detect and destroy viruses.

The Firewalls have the funcion of detect virus and prevent them from entering into your computer.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My opinion about download music

 I personally think that its normal that musicians are against the piratery, because they lose money. In my opinion is not completly bad for them because they also make publicity about them and their music.
My conclusion is that music should be possible to  it because the artist had so much money onle with the CD, and the win a lot of publicity, and I think that the musicans that are not very known of the people have to be agree with download music because like that people start to know them.