Friday, October 29, 2010

How to behave in class

1- You have to pay atention at class, and listen to the teacher.
2-Don´t boder other people around you.
3-Don't laugh if someone make noise, and disturb the class.
4-Don't ask stupid cuestions, and pay atention of what the teacher explain, for don't aske the same cuestions that other people said.
5-Ask for you turn to speak.
6-Work in silence.
7-Speak in eanglish.

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9.50-10.45Social scienceMathsEnglishEnglishComputer
11.05-12.00SpanishEthicTecnologyMathsSocial science
14.05-15.00P.ESocial scienceTutory

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wiki,and Wikipedia.

My opinion about Wikpedia,is that isgood to have a fast way to look for what you want,but you don't have to belive everything that you find.
The different betewn Wiki,and Wikipedia,is that Wikipediais a encyclopedia,where you can loook for what you want.
And the Wikis, are is a webside that alous the easycreation and the enditting og any number ofionterlinked webpages.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I think that Twitter is a good way of make friends,you can know people,and follow the groups that you like.
There's people that think that is not appropiete because is a west of time.
But I personally think that its ok if you just don'y hurt the feelings of anyone.
It's true that some people get addicted, and is more interested in the life of the others than is ther lifes.